Norman: The Leader of the Pack by Pam Collins

Norman, the leader of the pack, had a key position on the shelf. Third shelf down at eyelevel for most viewers. He had decided that enough was enough. He was tired of being ignored and dusty. Best way to get some attention that he could think of was to create a stir! He asked his fellow shelf mates to try to lean hard in his direction so that he might get a chance to pop off the shelf and land on the floor. That would be a game-changer. The others went along willingly, after all this boring scenario had been going on for months. So, time to get this plan in action. Everybody leaned when he yelled and when they slumped together he could feel that he might get pushed off the shelf! With a few adjustments and help from the other novels, he was airborne! Flying off the shelf and into the air, he landed flat on the floor-unfortunately with his spine open. Norman had hoped for a neater landing.

There was no reaction in the spacious lobby as there was no one in just yet. Once the day began he thought, they’d be scurrying around, getting their computers running, and eventually they’d notice he was off the shelf. After all, he was from the new fiction area. Prime real estate!! At 10 a.m., Miss Primpkin arrived, all business, ready to take on her day. She, however, did not even look at him. She looked at her computer, inhaled a munchkin, and drank her coffee. Well, Norman thought, this scheme had not really worked. When were they ever going to realize how forlorn and lonely they all felt day after day on those dusty shelves? There was nothing to be done. He would have to wait for Miss Primpkin to awaken from her coffee and donut haze.

And then, she noticed! Not one for disorder, she put Norman right back on the shelf, straightened out the others, and went back to her computer. Norman realized that he needed a much bolder plan in order to get some attention to their neglect. If one book was not enough, how about a whole shelf full? Norman set up another meeting with his fellow shelf mates for a larger event. It would take some planning, but he was sure that they would succeed at finally being seen and acknowledged at their home in the library.